how to join paf after graduation for females-how to join PAF -which branch is best for females in PAF
how to join paf after graduation for females-how to join PAF -which branch is best for females in PAF
What is the qualification for PAF?-How to join Pakistan Air Force for females-how to join pakistan air force for females after matric
Girls_can_only_apply_in_5_Branches of PAFwhich is based on different Qualification Levels.
Matric based girls can apply for airwomen nursing test who have 60% in matric bio science
Starting Pay Scale after 3 Years Training is 9. 2) Intermediate Base: PAF offer 2 Branches on Intermediate Base (a) GDP If any girl having 60% Marks in Pre Engng/Mdcl,ICS Physics (b)CAE (Engng Branch) girls may apply easily who have questions of free engineer with 60% marks after 4 years start training pay scale 16
Edu branch (After graduation) Edu required is atleast 16 yrs of edu 5) GDMO (Medical Branch) Girls with degree of MBBS + 1 Year House Job experience can apply for that branch
During Training Different Incentives,Free Accommodation( Separate or Joint Rooms with Girl Cadets/Officers),Annual Leave,50% Discount on all Air line Tickets and Full free on PAF Transport Aircrafts,Railway Vouchers also provide for home visit. All Facilities are Provided same as Male Airmen/Officers
Accommodate and many other facility is provide to their family by PAF
And many more advantages