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What causes high uric acid in the body

 Uric acid What causes high uric acid in the body? -What are the symptoms of high uric acid?

Uric acid What causes high uric acid in the body? -What are the symptoms of high uric acid?

Uric acid What causes high uric acid in the body? -What are the symptoms of high uric acid?

Uric acid is an acidic substance found in every human being. Its main function is to generate heat in the human body.

Nutritional foods that produce purines in the body that make uric acid in the body. Such as sour, meaty and dark green vegetables. In addition, cancer and sex and leprosy drugs, inflammation of the kidneys and / or stones, also cause an increase in uric acid levels in the body.

Uric acid is soluble in water. But for any reason, if the amount is increased in the body, then there is pain in the body, especially in the joints of the feet, knees, ankles, hands and fingers, and swelling, burning and heat in the elbow.

The reasons for the increase in uric acid include excessive consumption of sour and meat foods, not exercising, hard work, heart failure, kidney failure, treatment of cancer or cancer, use of strength medicines, etc. They need to be careful.

In case of heat or cold, it is recommended to drink more water. Because uric acid dissolves in water.

Most of its medicines have diuretic effect. With which it is recommended to drink more water. So that the body

I am not dehydrated.


Adding a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in lukewarm water in the morning and drinking it cures uric acid, cholesterol, high blood pressure and sneezing by the command of Allah.

Remedy: 6 small cardamom leaves, 16 fresh mint leaves, 1 ginger chopped ginger, 1 teaspoon fennel

Recipe Preparation: Put 8 cups in water and boil till 6 cups are left. Drink one cup in the morning, afternoon and evening after meals. This is a two day diet. Use this decoction for 2 to 3 months. By the grace of Allah, there will be improvement in just 1 month

Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathy involves treating a patient's symptoms according to the patient's symptoms, in which the patient's immune system is enabled to fight the disease on its own and eradicate the disease.

Diet: Strictly avoid all kinds of meat, spinach, pickles, hot spices, tomatoes, eggs and lentils, because diet is better than cure

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