What is commerce?
Commerce is the part of business education. Its whole roll of business analysis.
Commerce stand for.
C : communication
O :of
M :manufacturing
M :multiple
E : Education
R : Round about business circle education.
When a person took a step in business either that business is too small and too large but without commerce its can't to take bulk enhance in their business circle its hopefully way of business where a businesses man can take goal of their life and fully courage of business. Its murge of their huge part of education. Commerce is the boarn of contain of business. Its brain of business which without commerce education ist not complete its a pillor of business. When a business man successful in their business when he full aware with commerce education. Commerce education is depended on whole team leader when a team leader is not complete and not equal in that plat form so no one can build thier business. Its most nesesry for every one to adopt great team leader in their business circle .
Kinds of commerce which depending.
- Accounting
- Business communication
- Advance accounting
- Banking and finance
- Geography
- Cost accounting